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What is Extended DISC® powered by FinxS®?

Extended DISC® powered by FinxS is an international assessment company with operations in almost 50 countries and over 250 team members. It offers internationally validated — and periodically re-validated — assessments that can be tailored to clients’ unique needs and preferences.

Extended DISC® powered by FinxS® assessments are GDPR-compliant and are available using gender-inclusive language that does not discriminate against a particular sex, social gender or gender identity, and does not perpetuate gender stereotypes.

We offer flexible pricing options tailored to clients’ needs including Unlimited Use Licenses. They offer an unlimited number of assessments for a fixed fee.

Extended DISC® Virtual, Public and Onsite Certification options are approved for SHRM, PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertification credits.

Do you consider your employees to be your most important assets?

That's how almost all of our clients worldwide feel. They believe they need to have the best, most motivated and productive employees to be successful. These clients turn to us for information to:

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What Causes Lower Back Pain? A. TraumaticDuring trauma, fractures or dislocations in the spine may occur, leading to lower back pain. B. Non-traumatic Bad postureBad posture can cause excessive pressure to be exerted on your spine, leading to changes in your spine, pressure on your muscles, disks and joints, and nerve damage. Common forms of

Why use Extended DISC® powered by FinxS®?

You can choose from hundreds of behavioral, competence, cognitive ability and 360-feedback assessments.  They provide specific information to help you to make better hiring decision and improve the success of your employees, teams, and organization.  We help you to choose the best tool(s) for you.

You will receive award winning customer support to ensure your — and your organization’s — success.

You can select from different pricing options to best meet your situation.